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Importance of Multidisciplinary Approach in Teaching - Learning

Importance of Multidisciplinary Approach in Teaching - Learning


Table of Contents 


Importance of Multidisciplinary Approach in Teaching - Learning

What Is Multidisciplinary Education?

Why Is a Multidisciplinary Approach in Education Important?

Multidisciplinary Education & National Education Policy  2023 (2020)

Benefits of Multidisciplinary Education

Job Benefits

Challenges to Multidisciplinary Education

Multidisciplinary Education @VIT, Pune

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Importance of Multidisciplinary Approach in Teaching - Learning

When you learn about many different things, you get a better understanding of how things work. When you mix ideas from different areas, you can come up with new ones. It's like making a new recipe by mixing different ingredients. Knowing about many different things gives you more ways to solve problems. And when you work with people who know different things, you learn from each other. So, a multidisciplinary approach in education is one of those things that help you gain knowledge from different areas. That's why multidisciplinary education is essential. This blog will discuss what it is, why it matters, its benefits, and how it can help your career.


What Is Multidisciplinary Education?

Let's consider a housewife. Instead of confining herself to traditional homemaking skills, she explores aspects such as nutrition, money management, interior design, human psychology, and effective time management. Now, let's see what the possible results could be.

By understanding nutrition principles, she ensured her family's meals were balanced and healthy, promoting their well-being.

Learning about budgeting, saving, and investing helped her manage household finances more effectively and ensure that resources were utilised optimally. Essentially, she learned about finance.


Knowledge of interior design helped her create a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing living environment for her family, enhancing their quality of life.


Understanding introductory psychology helped her in communication, conflict resolution, and understanding the emotional needs of her family members.


Time management techniques helped her efficiently juggle various responsibilities, balancing household chores, family commitments, and personal interests.


This approach is a multidisciplinary approach, where one learns within a specific field and gains knowledge across various disciplines. This enables individuals to utilise their diverse knowledge when facing problems or seeking solutions. This is multidisciplinary education.

Why Is a Multidisciplinary Approach in Education Important?

In the webinar held by, The Times Higher Education on November 2021. Raghav Gupta, managing director at Coursera, remarked, "Almost every business has said that they are going to digitise a lot more." He envisioned a future where every job role is going to require something more. 


A multidisciplinary approach to education is essential because it allows students to understand subjects comprehensively by incorporating knowledge and perspectives from various disciplines. 


Let’s see some examples - 


Developing new technologies often requires expertise from multiple disciplines. For instance, creating a smartphone involves knowledge of electronics engineering (hardware design), software engineering (programming), design (user interface), and marketing (identifying consumer needs and preferences). 

Similarly, suppose students are tasked with creating a sustainable solution for waste management in their community. A multidisciplinary approach would give a 360° perspective to the task and involve knowledge from environmental science (understanding the impact of waste on ecosystems), engineering (designing efficient waste disposal systems), economics (assessing the cost-effectiveness of different solutions), and sociology (considering the cultural and behavioural aspects of waste disposal).

Different disciplines offer unique perspectives and methodologies for understanding a problem. Students gain a more comprehensive and holistic understanding of the subject by integrating multiple disciplines.


A multidisciplinary approach in education better equips students to understand, analyse, and address the complexities of the world around them, preparing them to become well-rounded individuals and effective contributors to society.

Multidisciplinary Education & National Education Policy  2020

With the introduction of the National Education Policy 2020, India has taken significant strides in modernising its education system. This new approach to education aims to encourage the comprehensive development of individuals by getting into various fields of knowledge.


The NEP 2020 fully adopts this philosophy and efforts to reinforce it across all educational tiers. To achieve this goal, the policy describes several initiatives to promote a multidisciplinary approach to education.


Firstly, it advocates for promoting interdisciplinary studies across diverse educational institutions, encouraging collaboration among universities, colleges, research institutions, and other entities.


Secondly, the policy encourages the integration of traditional Indian knowledge systems into contemporary curricula, enriching the learning process with a holistic perspective on various subjects.


Lastly, the NEP urges the development of courses and programmes covering various disciplines, including mathematics, science, arts, technology, and humanities.


Multidisciplinary education constitutes a crucial component of India's modern educational framework. By this approach, the NEP 2020 aims to provide students with access to a broader knowledge base and skill set, equipping them for the dynamic challenges of the future.


A multidisciplinary approach enables students to examine topics from multiple angles, encouraging them to carve out their own independent opinions and viewpoints. The NEP 2020 aims to institutionalise multidisciplinary education across all educational levels in India, making it an integral part of the mainstream curriculum. By doing so, this approach will be accessible to a broader student base, nurturing a new generation of thinkers and innovators.

Benefits of Multidisciplinary Education

Multidisciplinary Education is like having a big toolbox filled with various tools for different jobs. Here's why it's helpful:


You look at the big picture

You see problems from different angles, like looking at a puzzle from various sides, which helps you understand things better.


You go outside the box  

Learning from different fields helps you develop new ideas because you're mixing different ways of thinking, like combining appropriate ingredients to make a new recipe.


You are ready for anything

Just like having different tools in your toolbox prepares you for different tasks, knowing about different subjects prepares you for different jobs or ventures. 


You solve problems better 

With knowledge from many areas, you have more ways to solve problems, like having more options to fix something when it breaks.


You work with others better 

You learn to work with people who know different things, just like how different tools work together to build something.


You start thinking critically 

You learn to question things and think for yourself, essential in making decisions and understanding the world.

Job Benefits 

Students with multidisciplinary backgrounds have the flexibility to explore a diverse array of career paths. Their varied personal and professional interests and the wide range of subjects available for study give them more opportunities in the job market. 


A multidisciplinary qualification equips individuals to navigate various career trajectories throughout their working lives. Research indicates that approximately a third of employers surveyed do not prioritise specific degree subjects when hiring graduates. This implies that multidisciplinary students can consider numerous career options and tailor their approach to work according to their diverse interests and skills.

Here are a few job roles that become much easier to pursue if you possess knowledge in various disciplines.




Advertising Agent

An advertising agent is a marketing professional responsible for selling advertising space to clients. 


A recruiter is a human resources professional who works to find and screen potential employees for companies. 

Management Consultant

A management consultant is responsible for providing expertise to help companies plan and implement projects. 

Project Manager

A project manager is responsible for each project stage from beginning to end. Professionals in this role can work in various fields, such as marketing, construction, and engineering. 

Account Director

An account director manages and maintains the relationship between the company and clients.


Challenges to Multidisciplinary Education

Multidisciplinary education undoubtedly offers numerous benefits. However, it also presents several challenges:


Curriculum Integration: Developing a unified curriculum that effectively integrates multiple disciplines can be challenging. Finding the right balance between depth and breadth of knowledge across different fields while ensuring continuity in learning experiences requires careful planning and coordination among educators.


Faculty Collaboration: Multidisciplinary education often requires collaboration among faculty members from different departments or schools. Overcoming disciplinary boundaries, separate research methodologies, and varying academic cultures can be difficult and may require additional training and support for faculty members.


Resource Allocation: Offering multidisciplinary programmes may require investments in resources such as faculty expertise and instructional materials. Allocating resources equally among participating disciplines while maintaining quality standards can be complex and challenging for educational institutions, especially when faced with budget constraints.


Assessment and Evaluation: Assessing student learning and evaluating the effectiveness of multidisciplinary programmes pose significant challenges. Traditional assessment methods may not adequately capture the skills and knowledge acquired through interdisciplinary approaches. 

Multidisciplinary Education @VIT, Pune  

VIT, Pune, adopts a multidisciplinary approach to teaching and learning, as per the guidelines of AICTE and NEP-2020, regardless of the engineering branch. Thus, it is crucial to provide advanced technological knowledge to all students. Consequently, encouraging this multidisciplinary approach in faculty and students of higher educational institutions becomes imperative.


Another aspect of VIT's educational model is the mandatory implementation of a multidisciplinary approach for all students, irrespective of their branch, in Module 3, which is in semester 2. VIT, Pune, has established an independently functioning Department of Multidisciplinary Engineering since AY 2020-21, a first in Maharashtra and India as well, emphasises the importance of the multidisciplinary approach due to various reasons:


  • It aligns with the requirements set forth by AICTE and NEP-2020.
  • It transcends the boundaries of specific branches of engineering.
  • It ensures that all students are equipped with up-to-date technological knowledge.
  • It meets the demands of the contemporary industry.
  • It enhances placement opportunities, as companies prefer candidates capable of applying core knowledge across diverse domains.
  • It enables students to tackle and resolve societal issues effectively, as recognised by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA).

Additionally, Students can enroll in Value-Based Courses at the beginning of Semester 1, Module 1. The value-based courses continue throughout their subsequent semesters. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q.1 How does multidisciplinary education relate to the National Education Policy 2023?

The National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2023) encourages comprehensive development by promoting a multidisciplinary approach across all educational tiers. It advocates for interdisciplinary studies, integrating traditional Indian knowledge systems, and developing courses covering various disciplines.

Q.2 How does multidisciplinary education differ from traditional education?

Traditional education often focuses on specialised knowledge within a single discipline, while multidisciplinary education encourages exploring and integrating knowledge from multiple fields. Multidisciplinary education aims to provide a broader and more holistic understanding of topics.

Q.3 Why is multidisciplinary education necessary in today's world?

Multidisciplinary education prepares individuals to tackle different challenges in an increasingly interconnected and complex world. It cultivates critical thinking, creativity, and adaptability, essential skills for addressing real-world problems and driving innovation across various domains.

Q.4 What role does technology play in facilitating multidisciplinary education?

Technology enables access to diverse resources, facilitates collaboration across geographical boundaries, and supports innovative teaching and learning methods. Online platforms, digital tools, and multimedia resources can enhance multidisciplinary education by providing interactive and immersive learning experiences.


Q.5 How does multidisciplinary education contribute to personal and professional development?

Multidisciplinary education contributes to personal and professional development by enhancing problem-solving skills, broadening perspectives and providing versatility in career opportunities. This approach encourages individuals to draw upon diverse knowledge and perspectives, equipping them with the skills and mindset needed to thrive in a dynamic and interconnected world.



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Artificial Intelligence vs Data Science vs Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence vs Data Science vs Machine Learning

Over the past few years, the popularity of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, and Data Science has risen to such an extent that most companies have now engaged in their digital transformation journey toward a fully connected factory or Industry 4.0.


Simply put, Data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence (AI) are interconnected fields that combine to extract insights from data, make predictions, and automate decision-making processes. 

What is Data Science?

When you shop online, have you noticed how the platform suggests products similar to the ones you've viewed or purchased before? This is made possible through data science. Algorithms analyse your past purchases, browsing history, and even demographic information to predict what products you might be interested in, thus enhancing your shopping experience.


Data science involves extracting insights and knowledge. It combines elements of mathematics, statistics, computer science, and domain knowledge to analyse large volumes of data and extract meaningful patterns, trends, and insights. Data science encompasses various techniques, including statistical analysis, machine learning, data mining, and visualisation.


How is the Data Science Foundation for AI?
Data science plays a crucial role in AI by providing the necessary tools and techniques to analyse and derive insights from data. AI systems often rely on large volumes of data to learn and improve their performance, and data science helps in preprocessing, cleaning, analysing, and interpreting this data to extract meaningful patterns and insights.


Imagine you work for a retail company that wants to improve its sales strategy using artificial intelligence (AI). The company collects vast amounts of data, including sales transactions, customer demographics, website interactions, and social media mentions. Through data analysis, the retail company might discover that customers who purchase certain types of clothing are more likely to buy accessories if they receive personalised recommendations based on their previous purchases. With this insight, the company can develop AI-powered recommendation systems to suggest relevant products to customers, ultimately boosting sales.


Role of  Machine Learning in AI?
Machine learning is a subset of AI that focuses on developing algorithms and models that enable computers to learn from data and improve their performance without being explicitly programmed. Many AI systems employ machine learning techniques to analyse data, make predictions, and adapt to new information, making it a fundamental component of AI.


For the same retail company, once they receive the data,  data scientists use various analytical techniques to extract valuable insights. They may employ machine learning algorithms to identify patterns in customer behaviour, such as which products are frequently purchased together or which marketing campaigns are most effective for different demographic groups.


Understanding Through a Case Study 

There is an online retail company specialising in fashion apparel. They want to enhance customer engagement on their website and increase sales by providing personalised recommendations to their customers. Now let’s see how Data Science, AI and Machine Learning can help them. 


Data Science - The data science team starts by collecting and analysing vast customer data, including browsing history, purchase history, demographics, and social media interactions. They use statistical analysis and data visualisation techniques to identify patterns and trends in customer behaviour.


Machine Learning - With the insights gained from data analysis, the machine learning team develops algorithms to predict customer preferences and recommend products tailored to individual interests. They train these algorithms using supervised learning techniques, continually refining them based on real-time feedback and customer interactions.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) - The company integrates AI-powered chatbots into its website. These chatbots use natural language processing algorithms to interact with customers in real time, providing personalised recommendations, answering questions, and addressing concerns. The chatbots learn from each interaction, becoming more efficient and accurate over time.


Results - The company successfully improves customer engagement and boosts sales by using data science, machine learning, and AI. Customers receive personalised recommendations that align with their preferences, leading to increased satisfaction and loyalty. The AI-powered chatbots enhance the shopping experience by providing instant assistance, ultimately driving higher conversion rates and revenue for the company.


Difference between AI, Data Science and Machine Learning 



Data Science 

Artificial Intelligence 

Machine Learning 


Analysing raw data to find important information for making smart decisions.

Helps machines do difficult things like humans, such as making decisions and solving problems, effortlessly

Builds a system for computers to learn from data and get better at their tasks over time by using the knowledge gained.


Businesses can use it to solve tricky problems, spot trends, and predict future market conditions.

It can be applied in chatbots, for providing voice assistance and in robots to carry out tasks usually done by humans.

It can be employed to create automated recommendations, search algorithms, and health monitoring systems that learn from the data.

Required Skills and Competencies

Proficiency in advanced mathematics, statistics, database management, data visualisation, and a fundamental grasp of machine learning methods.

Proficiency in advanced mathematics, knowledge of programming languages (particularly Python, R, Java, and C++), an understanding of probability and statistics

Understanding of neural network architectures, expertise in data modelling and evaluation, and a foundational grasp of natural language processing.

Study CSE - Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning from VIT Pune 


Studying B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering with a specialisation in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning at VIT Pune offers a comprehensive and cutting-edge educational experience. Through theoretical knowledge and hands-on practical learning, students delve deep into AI and ML, exploring algorithms, data structures, neural networks, and more. The program at VIT Pune is designed to equip students with the skills and expertise needed to tackle real-world challenges in AI and ML, preparing them for careers in diverse industries such as technology, finance, healthcare, and beyond. With world-class faculty, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and industry collaborations, VIT Pune provides a dynamic learning environment where students can thrive and innovate in the exciting field of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)


  • What are the critical applications of AI, Data Science, and Machine Learning?

AI can be applied in various domains, such as chatbots, voice assistance, and robotics. Data Science solves business problems, spot trends, and predicts market conditions. Machine Learning builds systems that learn from data and improve tasks over time.


  • What skills are required for a Data Science, AI, and Machine Learning career?

Proficiency in mathematics, statistics, and programming languages (such as Python or R) and an understanding of algorithms and data structures are essential for careers in these fields.


  • What are the ethical considerations associated with AI and data-driven decision-making?

Ethical considerations include data bias, privacy concerns, the transparency and accountability of AI systems, and the potential impact on employment and societal norms.


  • What are some real-world examples of AI applications in everyday life?

Examples include virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa, recommendation systems on platforms like Amazon and Netflix, and autonomous vehicles.


  • What are the main techniques used in Data Science? 

Data Science encompasses various techniques, including statistical analysis, machine learning, data mining, and visualisation.

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