Lab Details

Artificial Intelligence Lab

Location: 2101-A

Incharge Faculty: Dr. Gopal D. Upadhye

 Major Equipment's

Sr. No Hardware
1. HP Desktop 12th Gen Intel® Core ™ i5-12500 3.00 GHz, 16GB Ram, 512 GB HDD  SATA Drive, 64-bit OS.
2.  Sony LCD Projector



Data Science Lab

Location: 2101-B

Incharge Faculty: Mr. Bhagwan D. Thorat

 Major Equipment's

Sr. No Hardware
1. HP Desktop 12th Gen Intel® Core ™ i5-12500 3.00 GHz, 16GB Ram, 512 GB HDD  SATA Drive, 64-bit OS.
2.  Sony LCD Projector


Programming Lab 1

Location: 2101-C

Incharge Faculty: Dr. Shital Kakad

Major Equipment's

Sr. No Hardware
1. HP Desktop 12th Gen Intel® Core ™ i5-12500 3.00 GHz, 16GB Ram, 512 GB HDD  SATA Drive, 64-bit OS.


Programming Lab 2

Location: 2207

Incharge Faculty: Mrs. Vaishali V. Savale

Major Equipment's

Sr. No Hardware
1. HP Desktop 12th Gen Intel® Core ™ i5-12500 3.00 GHz, 16GB Ram, 512 GB HDD  SATA Drive, 64-bit OS.


Advanced Data Structure Laboratory Assignments


Sr. No

Laboratory Assignments


Tree Assignment with following options

1. Insert

2. Delete

3. Traversal- With & without recursion- a. Preorder b. Inorder c. postorder


Implement BST with following functions

1. Insert

2. Count nodes

3. Mirror Image

4. Height of Tree

5. Exit


 AVL Tree- 1. Insert 2. Display 3. Exit


Hashing- Linear Probing/ Quadratic Probing


Graph Traversal- 1. BFS  2. DFS  3. Exit


Graph- Shortest Path Finding using Dijkstra’s algorithm


Deep Learning Laboratory Assignments

Sr. no Laboratory Assignment
1. Write Python/R code to implement Neural Network
2. Write Python/R code to implement Convolutional Neural Network
3. Write Python/R code to implement Recurrent Neural Network.
4. Write Python/R code to perform Data Augmentation.
5. Write Python/R code to implement GAN.
6. Write Python/R code to implement Deep Learning model for text analysis.